Free Zone Corporate Tax

Free Zone Corporate Tax


  • The Corporate Tax Law will be effective from 1 June 2023 with a headline rate of 9%.

  • The regime includes features that represent best practices in international taxation.

  • Several exemptions are available for businesses operating across strategic sectors.

  • Free zone persons can continue to maintain their 0% tax position subject to meeting certain conditions.

  • General anti-avoidance and transitional rules apply from the date the law is published in the Official Gazette.

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Taxable person

Generally, CT will apply to both resident and nonresident persons.

A resident person will include:

  • A juridical person incorporated otherwise established or recognized in the UAE (including free zones)

  • A juridical person incorporated otherwise established or recognized outside of the UAE, that is effectively managed and controlled in the UAE

  • A natural person that conducts business activity in the UAE

Free zones

The Corporate Tax Law introduces the concept of a “Qualifying Free Zone Person” (QFZP), which is broadly defined as a company or branch registered in a free zone that:

  • Maintains adequate substance in the UAE

  • Derives qualifying income (to be specified through a Ministerial Decision)

  • Satisfies transfer pricing requirements

  • Meets any other conditions to be prescribed through a Ministerial Decision

A QFZP will still be subject to CT but may benefit from a 0% rate on its qualifying income. A QFZP can elect to forego this preferential regime and be subject to the standard CT rate. For more information and Quotation Click here